Fotograf Gallery

Bartosz Flak
— Deadlay. On postmortem photography

on Monday, December 9, at 5 pm

Postmortem photography – the past tradition of depicting corpses of deceased people immediately before their funeral, has left behind thousands of incomprehensible, obscure and deeply intimate pictures, easy to find in today’s family archives, flea markets and on piles of discarded waste. On the occasion of Bartosz Flak´s current essay collection, he would like to present the topic of Polish postmortem photography and literary approaches towards found photographs.

Bartosz Flak is a cultural anthropologist. He has been working as a coordinator of exhibitions and publications, and is a curator and as well as author of articles and essays on photography at the MuFo (Museum of Photography) in Krakow. He is also the co-organizer of a lecture series ‘In the Shadow’ which explores margins of the photographic mainstream. He has been awarded scholarschip by the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

The lecture takes place during his stay in Prague, after gaining the Fotograf Residency for curators and artists from the Visegrad countries and Georgia.



Fotograf Gallery is supported by the Czech Ministry of Culture and during the year 2021 by a grant from the City of Prague amounting to 630 000 CZK.