36 teams responded to Fotograf Gallery’s call to hold a collective exhibition. Bearing in mind the gallery space’s dramatics and the program structure of the exhibitions submitted, we chose the following project for an exhibition during August and September 2015:
Josef Rabara, Karol Radziszewksi: Zítra bude jinak (curator: Zuzana Štefková)
We also recommended two projects submitted for eventual realization during 2016. Curators and artists will be informed about the results with a request that they realize their ideas in the same or a modified version under the proposed conditions during the coming year. This includes the following projects:
Adam Havelka, Matěj Pavlík, Eva Rybářová: Schindler a Lucy
Hybridize or Disappear (curators: Christina Gigliotti & Jen Kratochvil)
We thank all those involved for their participation in the call.
Results of the Call for holding a collective exhibition at Fotograf Gallery
June 2015